Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Illustration Deadline Coming Very Close....

The deadline for Developing Illustration Concepts is on the 10th of March which is only a week away. I’ve still got loads of work to do and will have to put a lot of time and effort in over the next few days to ensure I get it done on time.I still have over half of my 100 drawing left to do, along with other bits and pieces which need finishing off.I find illustration quite difficult and feel that my drawings are weak compared to others in my group. I have the ideas of what I want to do, but struggle to get them down on paper.I have to draw my idea rough first then do it over and over until I get it right.Illustration is definitely my weakness from the course, sometimes I think that maybe I should just be in the Graphic Design course, however I think that the lessons have helped me, and that my drawings are slowly improving.Hopefully I will soon find my own 'style' and be more comfortable and confident.

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