Monday 17 January 2011

3D Letter....

Another project which I really enjoyed out of the 5 weeks was creating my 3d letter. We were asked to create a 3d letter made out of a material out of our own choice, and photograph it in a suitable location.
This particular week I was away in Devon - It was a mini break which had been booked before I started uni and didn't realise we didn't have half terms the same time as schools and colleges any more, I was a bit apprehensive about going away after only just starting and was worried about missing time off, however I thought this would be a good chance to create and interesting and unique piece of work and use the time there wisely (as well has having some fun!!).
I thought that seeing as I was going to be by the sea it would be a really nice idea to use the beach as the location for the letter. I decided to create the letter 'S', as it stood for sea, sand, sky and seaweed!
I made my letter out of sponge, as this is also found on the beach - and begins with an 'S'!
I created my letter out of sponge while watching a film and having a nice glass of wine at the cottage we were staying at, it took me a few attempts as it wasn't as simple as I thought it was going to be, after I was happy with my letter I put it aside and enjoyed the rest of my night!
Taking the photo was a lot harder than I imagined it was going to be, it was mega windy and the sea had come right in, in the first few attempts my letter blew off along the beach and the sea came right in and soaked my shoes!
I had to use my iniative and found a large feather on the beach which I pushed through through the sponge and into the sand to hold it in to place, I also used the seaweed to help prop the letter up. I then had to time it right for when the sea went back in to take a few photo's before it came back out and soaked me again!!
I was happy with my final design as I believe I had done exactly what the brief had asked of me - and thought it would have been different to what anyone else would have done.

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