Monday 17 January 2011

Cupcake Logo Design....

My favourite out of the five projects was when we were asked to create a logo for a food company, I decided I wanted to create a logo for cupcakes - I called my company 'Miss Cupcake''.
We had to design three different logos using different methods, these were conceptual, materials, and technology.
I found the Methodologies project helpful as it made me look at different ways in which i could create a logo which I wouldn't usually do, I especially enjoyed the materials methods as I had not had much experience in creating work in this way before.

For the conceptual method I did loads of research looking at other companies logos, including didn't cupcake logos to help me create my own design. I researched on the internet, from magazines, papers, leaflets etc which i then analysed and looked at what I liked and didn't like about them, and which I thought worked well, and which I thought didn't. This all really helped when I came to designing my own as i had a much better idea of what I wanted to do and what I thought would work best.
I hand drew a number of designs and narrowed it down to three, these three I then went on to develop further adding colour and adding more detail to the drawing.
For the materials method I brainstormed different materials which I could use for my design, I thought of anything from paper, paint, and glitter to wood, metal and plastic.
I decided it would be a clever idea to create the logos out of things which are actually used when making cupcakes, such as hundreds and thousands, cherries, paper doilies etc.
Although these ideas took along time and were really fiddly to create I thought it was well worth it as i was pleased with the final logos!
For the technology method I again brainstormed a number of ways which I could create my design, I would have loved to have been able to have created a design in Illustrator however I didn't feel confident in doing this as I am still learning how to use the the software and having only a week to create all three logos I didn't think it was wise.
I scanned a few of my original designs from the conceptual method in to Photoshop and edited them on here to create my final logo, again I was quite please with the outcome.

Out of the three methods I enjoyed creating the materials method the most - it was something I hadn't done before and thought the outcomes were really effective and stood out from the others. I think it has opened up a new option for me in future designs I may do! 

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Your design would catch a lot of attention from children. I think it would also be good as a design for car wraps. Vehicles go anywhere! That's why car wraps are a good idea for advertising.

    Cassandra Marcole
