Tuesday, 3 May 2011

150DVA Visual Communication Mark & Reflection

Coursework (Cw) - 68
Module Mark (Mm) - 68
Grade (Gd) - PASS
Credits (Cr) - 20

From the Visual Communications Module which is the module which I did the first 5 weeks from when

I started university I got 68 which I was really pleased with, its only 2 marks off a first which for my
first piece of work I thought was really good. I was really unsettled when I first started trying to remember
my way around, get to know people on the course, try to remember my log in and passwords for 
everything etc, so I wasn't entirely focused on the word because I had so much else going on at the time, 
so I was please with this mark, although I wish I had added a little something extra which would have
gained me those extra two marks!

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